Curbside Food Distribution – November 2020
October 30, 2020

The CMCSS Child Nutrition department will alter its curbside food distribution days the week of Election Day and the week of Thanksgiving. Please see the alternate pick-up dates below. All curbside food distribution will take place at the elementary schools.
Friday, October 30: Distribution from 1 – 2 pm will include eight meals for include Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday meals. (Virtual and Traditional students)
Monday, November 2: No meal distribution. Traditional students will be in a remote learning model and not report to in-person school.
Wednesday, November 4: Distribution from 1 – 2 pm will include six meals for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. (Virtual students)
Friday, November 6: Distribution from 1 – 2 pm will include four meals for Saturday and Sunday. (Virtual and Traditional students)
The week of November 9 – 13 will operate as normal with Monday and Friday distribution.
The week of November 16 – 20 will operate as normal with Monday and Friday distribution.
Monday, November 23: Distribution from 1 – 2 pm will include fourteen meals to cover Monday – Sunday. (Virtual and Traditional students)
The week of November 30 – December 4 will operate as normal with Monday and Friday distribution.